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to unlock the next stretch-goal

Warning: only the orders paid before the campaign end determine the total amount collected by the campaign.

Project by
Inmedia Srl (
Via Igino Giordani 18
Roma (RM), Italy
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This Pack was available to 45.00€

Worker Early
Available on shipment or with pick up on Lucca Comics & Roma

Essen preorders closed, shipment available. Buy a Kanban game (English or Italian version) for a great price. It includes all unlocked stretch-goals.

      Available: 18

This Pack was available to 49.95€

Available on shipment or with pick up on Lucca Comics & Roma

Essen preorders closed, shipment available. Buy an English or Italian copy of Kanban and gain all unlocked stretch-goals.


This Pack was available to 89.95€

Available on shipment or with pick up on Lucca Comics & Roma

Essen preorders closed, shipment available. Buy 2 English or Italian copies of Kanban for a nice price. They include all unlocked stretch-goals.


This Pack is only for retailers

Available on shipment or with pick up on Lucca Comics & Roma

Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This project offers discounts for multiple purchases. For example, by buying 3 equal rewards you get a 10% discount. The discount is automatically applied to the cart. Get Them!

Products not available anymore


Stretch-goals are additions or improvements that will be included to the game if the campaign collects a specific minimal amount: more people will join the campaign and more beautiful and rich the game will be!
2000: Versailles Addon will be activated! All backers will be able to purchase of a novelty of Essen Spiel 2014 with tht 30% discount: the game Versailles.
5000: All backers will receive for free a copy of the game Medievalia.
8000: Historia and Progress Addons will be activated! All backers will be able to purchase with 30% discount the most awaited novelties of Essen Spiel 2014: the game Historia or the game Progress.
11000: All backers will receive for free a copy of the game African Park and the sleeves to protect the Kanban cards.

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This campain is ended, you can still buy it a copy of KanBan on You can login there with the same access info you use on Giochistarter and then purchase it.

Manage your Car Factory, fill the warehouse, keep on going the assembly line, upgrade innovative design. Everything to be the FIRST!

Kanban it's a game that will takes you in a Factory producing cars. The players are ambitious workers who are trying to impress the Director to achieve as high a position as possible in the Company and secure their careers.

Kanban is an "euro" hard-game, advised fot 2-4 players. The game will take about 120 minutes.

Here it is possible to buy the English or the Italian version of the game: you will receive it to your home or you can pick-up it to the next Essen Fair or on the next Lucca Fair.

How to play?

Each game turn represents a work day, made of two phases:

  • In the first phase players choose in which department wants stay working and place there their worker in the appropriate space. The Board shows the factory subdivided in several Departments, like the Assembly Lines or Testing & Innovations.
  • In the second phase players make their decision about the actions to perform in the chosen Department according with the rules.

Time working is measured in Shifts; indicated in the game as a quarters of a clock coloured in blue. Some tasks require 1 Shift to be completed, others more than one. All players partecipate for producing Cars in the same Company, so it's better to all if production works continuously without interruptions. At the same time  each player must find his/her way to win, for example being more specialized in some Departments than in others.

The game is a good schematization of how work a true industry:

Assembly Line Department: Cars are assembled by giving requests car Parts. There are at all 5 car models: different colours meeples. Mounting a model in Demand gives bonus Red Seat.


Logistic Department
Assembly Line needs 6 different car Parts:Chassis, Transmission, Turbo, Engine, Suspension, Brakes, represented in the game by cubes of different colours. You may make an Order to fill the warehouses of this Department and than catch Parts in your own stocks in your Player Board for let you keep going on the production. 
Alternatively you can spend car Parts for Upgrade a Design.


Design Department: Innovative Designs are developed in this Department. You may choose in which design want work. You need a Design make upgrades and claim  Cars in your own garages. 

Testing & Innovation Department
: It consist in the Test Track and Innovation. Completed Cars get to the Test Track; you can claim Cars frome there to Test Design about that model. Some actions make Cars run on the Test Track. When will carried enough test there a Meeting at the end of the day (see farward)

In Innovation you can Upgrade a Design. This let you Innovate a car Part in a car model. On the board is shown which part of a model has been upgraded part and on the Innovation Track are indicated the values of each Part.


Recycling:It's possible exchange a car Part from your Player Board that is not still here with a different Part placed in this Department. Recycling is so important for save time and economize on your work.

Administration Department: Here takes place Meetings. During a Meeting Director and workers discuss about the works in the factory. Discuss is regarding Performance Goal shared between all workers and Personal Goal that players put in game from their hands. Speak about a Goal provides Victory Points (VP). Each player can speak for a maximum number of time equal to the Seat that he/she has. You must complete same mini-goal go get more Seat to use in the next Meeting. More tasks you fulfill and more the Director is interested in listening you during Meetings.

Specialization Track: players can specialize his/her knowledge in departments through studing books or spending time at the workstations. Improving your specialization level you will get the Certification; this gives you benefit or extra actions when you work in that Department. After being Certificated you will became an Expert and get several rewards. Who gets Expert first in a Department obtain bonus Seat.

Director: Sandra guides the Factory, but above all checks worker’s progress. She visits a different Department each day and performs there some actions. Then rewards the most specialized worker in this Department with a prize if he/she fulfill specific conditions.
At the beginning of the game is possible choosing for a Director in “nice” mood or “serious” mood. In the second case she gives penalty to who doesn’t respect conditions.

Box Content


  • One player board
  • 16 pages Rulebook English version (or Italian depending on the version purchased)

To the players in 4 colors:

  • 1 player board
  • 7 discs to track shifts and training
  • 1 certification meeple (short bust)
  • 1 worker meeple (tall)
  • 5 player lock tiles
  • Player aid sheet

Factory manager components:

  • 1 pink worker pawn
  • 1 pink cylinder to track the week count

Other tokens:

  • 1 white cylinder to track the production cycle
  • 1 white wooden car to track the production cycle
  • 6 cubes to trace car parts value
  • 9 cubes x 6 colors representing car parts
  • 8 wooden car tokens x 5 colors (green, blue, yellow, red and black)
  • 1 two sided production track overlay for 2 and 3-player games
  • A big huge white wooden token to signal the meetings (building shaped)


  • 12 kanban cards to order parts
  • 32 Performance goal cards


  • 7 blueprints x 5 models
  • 44 seat tiles (24 red and 20 in player colors)
  • 12 factory goal tiles
  • 5 kanban tiles for cars demand
  • 20 plaque award tiles
  • 16 book tiles
  • 12 wild cube tiles
  • 6 final score tiles



There are these goals planned: 

2000 euro    

Versailles Addon will be activated! All backers will be able to purchase of a novelty of Essen Spiel 2014 with the 30% discount: the game Versailles. It's the Italian version, but the game is language indipendent (other rulebooks are available online).

We are in the XVII century when King Louis XIV desired transform the his father’s  hunting ground in a royal palace worthy of his name.
There a lot of good designs, but to make it true the King needs workers, craftsman and skilled architects, but only those who have the gratitude of the King will be recognized as its creator. Who will be?

In Versailles 2-5 players take role as Architects for build the legendary Castle. Each turns players moves their workers (one or more) from one location to another on the board. Each location provides goods, upgraded building technics or lets build a piece of the royal palace.
The game goes on with accurate strategic moves until someone will chosen to be appointed Architect of the King.


5000 euro  

All backers will receive for free a copy of the game Medievalia.

You have got the right reward after 10 years of fighting and services for your King, at the end you got your Fief! But what kind of Fief?... a wild square of land with a little village populated by tramps! And as if that was not enough the near lands were given to yours bitters rivals who probably are planning to throw you out! 

Maybe it is not a reward, but a punishment?

Medievalia is a strategic game where each player represents a Feudal Lord trying to prevail over his neighbors.  You can play in 2-4 players and a single match lasts 50 minutes. This game is suggested for players ages 10 years or above


8000 euro  

Historia and Progress Addons will be activated! All backers will be able to purchase with 30% discount the most awaited novelties of Essen Spiel 2014: the game Historia and the game Progress.

Recreate the last 12000 years of human history that led to the modern age. Learn agriculture, build the Pyramids, invent gunpowder, take part in the space race! Civilization that will have the greatest impact in history will be the winner.

Historia is a Civilization game for 1-6 players. It's easy to learn and to play, and lasts about 25 minutes per player. The main game mechanism is based on Simultaneous Action Selection and this reduces downtimes. The game ends with the Modern Era and points gained decides the winner. There is also a variant with A.I. to play solo or to add players to the normal games.

Research technologies to build your great civilization. Become part of the Progress!

Progress: Evolution of Technology is a card driven civilization game with focus on the development of technologies from the ancient times to the first industrial revolution. Each player guides his nation’s research efforts through a maze of technologies from the earliest signs of human development, moving progressively through the Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance until the first sparks of the Industrial Revolution.


11000 euro  

All backers will receive for free the sleeves to protect the cards of Kanban game and a copy of the game African Park.

Each player is a ranger, managing a nature reserve. During each game round he needs to welcome a new animal, taking into account special living conditions and the animal's needs.

The player that learns how to place his animals in the reserve, making best use of the living conditions available in the area, obtains the highest score and will soon be the winner of the game.

The game uses simple, fun, mechanics and attractive design. Each card represents a reserve animal that belongs to one of the available habitats. Each player must introduce a new animal per turn, respecting the right habitat and considering the co-existence with other animals already dwelling in the same reserve.


Who is the game for?

Kanban is an hard management strategic game, not advised for inexpert gamers. There is no luck. The mechanics makes a dense network of possibilities and each act influence more sides of the game. You should gauge carefully tour moves and perform your combo. There are several way to get PP and also in 4 player may each has a different strategy. At the same time different strategies could have common points, making players clash each others.

Which version?

Each beckers recives the Italian version published by or the English version by Strongold Games.


The aim of this campaign is to realize a pre-order of the game Kanban. This makes vantages for the publisher who can estimate how many copies sold; for the purchaser who get special offer not available in common shops and receives his copy of the game long before normal sale.

How to pay?

Is allowed to pay with credit cards (Paypal) or by Bank wire transfer.

Shipping costs

Shipping is free for Italy and comes about with DHL or SDA courier. For shipping out of Italy there is a tariff depending on the destination country. You can see about this cost on the table below or clicking on “Shipping Options” after your order. 

It’s possible catch your copy here in Rome for free, or at Giochix/Giochistarter stand on Lucca Comics and Games Fair, or on Giochix stand at Essen Fair (1C123). 































Czech Republic













































For other countries make the pledge and then click "Shipping options" on the shopping cart: the system will show you the shipping cost to your country.

When receive the game?

Kanban comes out at next Spiel 2014. Shipping will stats immediately after that. Copies booked by Giochistarter will ships before all others booking, letting you play this game as soon as possible.

2025 Inmedia Srl - Terms